
Martha Stutteregger / Group XII, Apr 01 - Sept 01

20/35 VISION

9/21/01 to 10/28/01

MAK Center for Art and Architecture L.A at the Schindler House, 835 North Kings Road, West Hollywood, CA

The exhibition offered a multiplicity of viewpoints for regarding the Los Angeles cityscape as seen in the work of David Hullfish Bailey, Kaucyila Brooke, Robbert Flick, Barbara Kaucky, Richard Sparham and Elizabeth Hesik, Dorit Margreiter, Florian Pumhösl and Martha Stutteregger, and Michael Wildmann. Just as each individual’s perspective is unique and no single outlook tells the whole story, the exhibition title, 20/35 Vision—the average of each contributor’s eyesight—represented the un-ideal vision of any singular view of the city.

Martha Stutteregger and Florian Pumhösl devoted their time in Los Angeles to researching the modern aesthetic vocabulary of sacred spaces, from storefront churches to temples and shrines. Considering the spiritual and communal functions of a church, the architectural prerequisites of Modernism and the patterns of social life in Los Angeles in their installation, the artists transformed the storage room into a sacred space.

Project Images

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