
Bernhard Sommer / Group XIV, May 02 - Sept 02


9/17/02 to 9/29/02

MAK Center for Art and Architecture L.A at the Schindler House, 835 North Kings Road, West Hollywood, CA

Architect Bernhard Sommer had been working since 1999 on his “Transformer” series, an attempt to make real the promise of a “fluid” architecture. Sommer approached the problem literally, devising computer-generated systems that could generate a diversity of shapes from a single construction. With "Desert Cloud: Transformer 3," he presented a model for an architecture “light and changeable as clouds.” Installed near one of the sleeping baskets on the Schindler House roof, the model existed simultaneously as a rendering of its construction technique and as a sculptural object. Inspired by Southern California topography, the work tethered together several balloon-like units with ropes that might be adjusted to create innumerable forms, according to the desires of the user.

Project Images

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