Pia Roenicke / Group XV, Oct 02 - Mar 03
3/21/03 to 3/23/03
MAK Center at the Mackey Apartments, 1137 - 1141 South Cochran Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
Artist Pia Roenicke collaborated with Los Angeles-based artist Michael Baers in a research project that examined the central role of housing on the development of L.A. The artists interviewed six Los Angeles architect/planners in a video studio, allowing the interviewees to respond to a series of slides depicting local housing typologies. With the interviewee controlling the slide projector remote and questions interposed only as needed, the interviews were quite revealing of each architect’s distinct relationship to the city, as well as to the practices of architecture and urban planning. Presented as a two-video installation, one video showed the interview subject and a corresponding tape depicted the progression of the slides as they were manipulated by the interviewee.