
Una Szeemann / Group XV, Oct 02 - Mar 03


3/21/03 to 3/23/03

MAK Center at the Mackey Apartments, 1137 - 1141 South Cochran Avenue, Los Angeles, CA

Artist Una Szeeman used her time in Los Angeles to develop a film project called Montewood Hollyverita, which transposed the story of the Swiss utopian community with the celebrity mythology of Hollywood. Just as Hollywood represented a certain kind of dreamworld, Monte Verità, the "mountain of truth“, was founded in the early 1900s by reformers, vegetarians, writers, musicians, dancers, revolutionaries, psychoanalysts, architects, theosophists, and anarchists—people who wanted to make the world a better place. Shot in digital video, the film took place in present time and used art stars, including Eva and Adele, Jason Rhoades, Paul McCarthy, and Hans Weigand, among others, to recreate various characters from the Swiss community. Szeeman presented movie posters, a trailer, photographs, scale models, and sets at the Mackey Apartments.

Project Images

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