Florian Hecker / Group XVIII, Apr 04 - Sept 04
9/7/04 to 9/9/04
MAK Center at the Schindler House
Florian Hecker offered computer generated music in “Inverted Henon Map.” Based on microsonic research and stochastic synthesis, the work was realized in close collaboration with Curtis Roads and Stephen Travis Pope from CREATE at University of California at Santa Barbara and Diana Deutsch from the Department of Psychology at the University of California at San Diego. Navigating the space with mobile headphones, the visitor explored the formerly-invisible realm of micro-sound, or sound particles. Dissolving the more rigid bricks of musical architecture—notes and intervals—into a more fluid medium led to new, compelling compositional possibilities. Manipulating sounds originated in a “reverberation and binaural” recording session, Hecker utilized the mathematical algorithims of the stochastic process to generate structure and worked with the particles of the sound signal—the waves—to generate the sound itself.