Paul Petritsch / Group III, Oct 96 - Mar 97
3/20/97 to 3/22/97
MAK Center at the Mackey Apartments, 1137 - 1141 South Cochran Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
"Depafit" examined the former residence of R.M. Schindler on Kings Road as it has been used as a public space since the 1970s. Pauline Schindler's studio was boarded with depafit, a smooth, delicate material used for building architecture models. Elements that were more likely associated with "atmosphere" were removed, creating a simultaneous experience of the room in its actual form and its distanced, artificial condition. "The Garage" was a project that examined a room of displacement and loneliness due to the fact that the garage was barely furnished. The inventory seemed to fulfill only basic requirements: one refrigerator, eight chairs, one shelf, one tv, a videorecorder, and ten films. A third project entitled "The Schleicher from Vienna" was realized in collaboration with Tanja Widmann.